Chapter XI: “Loving One's neighbor as oneself” by ADRIANA BUENO
Please Join us IN-PERSON or ONLINE in a talk in English about the Chapter XI of The Gospel According to Spiritism, given by our SSC member and friend Adriana Bueno.
Please Join us IN-PERSON or ONLINE in a talk in English about the Chapter XI of The Gospel According to Spiritism, given by our SSC member and friend Adriana Bueno.
SSC will host a talk by VAnessa Anseloni about The Gospel According to Spiritism Chapter XXV- Seek and You Shall Find
Vanessa Anseloni, PsyD, PhD is neuroscientist and psychologist. She is the founder of the School of Emotion. She worked for 18 years at the University of Maryland. Fifth generation Spiritist, Dr. Anseloni is the founder and former president of the Spiritist Society of Baltimore. She also founded and is the president of the Spiritist Society of Virginia (since 2007) and the Spiritist Group of Washington (since 2016). She is the co-author of the book “The New Generation” with Divaldo Franco and the editor-in-chief of The Spiritist Magazine. Vanessa Anseloni is a Spiritist medium and international speaker with talks and workshops around the world. Dr. Anseloni has been coordinating a team of translators of dozens of Spiritist books. Dr. Anseloni and her husband, Carlos, founded Kardec Radio on July 4. 2011.
SSC will host an online talk with Peter Hays about The Gospel According to Spiritism Chapter IV “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again”. The talk will be in English.
Peter Hays has been an active member of the Spiritist Group Love and Light in Newark, NJ for over 20 years. He participates in the Tri-State Spiritist Federation and since 2021 has been appointed Director of Outreach in the United States Spiritist Federation. He has been a speaker in several US Spiritist Symposiums, and contributed to the USSF courses Initiation into Spiritism and Introduction to Mediumship. Peter loves to play guitar and regularly performs at a New Jersey nursing home. He has a background in theatre as a playwright, literary manager, electrician, and carpenter. He published several children’s books with his wife, Brazilian author Beti Rozencwajg, through their company Sem Fronteiras Press, with publishers in Brazil, Colombia & the US.
Reading is the single most important skill a child needs , yet many lack access to books. Bernie’s Book Bank strives to make books accessible to all children. Bernie’s distributes eight free books annually to children, ages birth through six grade, through Title I and early childhood programs.
Please join SSC for our Day of Service when we will help sort books for children.
All ages and abilities are welcome, although Kids <14yo need to be accompanied by an adult.
Wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes;
Parking is available on-site
plan to arrive at least 5 mintes earlier so we are ready to go at 3pm.
If you also want to donate, feel free to bring to the event new or gently used children’s books (birth to 6th grade reading level).
Let's meet for a potluck style picnic in the park and do good together by coloring cards for Cradle to Crayons to include in donation bags for kids in need.
Family and friends are welcome!
Please sign up HERE.
As part of The Suicide Prevention Month activities, SSC will have the guest speaker Cristiane Beira talking about “Finding Hope”. The talk will be in Portuguese.
Cristiane Beira is a writer and a speaker. She is the Coordinator of the Study Group of the Psychological Series of Joanna de Angelis and of the Evangelization of Children and Youth of the Spiritist Society Esperança in Amparo-SP.
SSC will be receiving Julio Carvalho to talk about Chapter XVII of The Gospel According to Spiritism: Be Perfect. The talk will be in English.
Julio Carvalho is the founder and director of the Spiritist Center Divine Light, located in Newark, NJ. He is a member of the Tri-State Spiritist Center and works in the doctrinaire area, training Spiritist workers. He participates in national and international conferences, representing the Tri-State Spiritist Federation. With a bachelor’s degree in biology and a masters in Social Work, Julio owns a psychologic clinic for adults and children. Julio Carvalho speaks English, Portuguese, Spanish and French, has been married for 17 years and has 2 children.
SSC will be receiving Manoel Gamas to talk about Chapter XVII: Be Perfect. The talk “A Parábola do Semeador” will be in Portuguese.
Manoel Gamas is a spiritist worker at the Spiritist Group Emmanuel and coordinates the Doctrinaire & Mediunship Department.
He has been promoting the Spiritism for 28 years.
SSC will be receiving a guest speaker Vanessa Anseloni for a talk about “The Inequality of Riches” from Chapter XVI of The Gospel According to Spiritism. The talk will be in English and you can join it through our Zoom link.
Vanessa Anseloni, PsyD, PhD is neuroscientist and psychologist. She is the founder of the School of Emotion. She worked for 18 years at the University of Maryland. Fifth generation Spiritist, Dr. Anseloni is the founder and former president of the Spiritist Society of Baltimore. She also founded and is the president of the Spiritist Society of Virginia (since 2007) and the Spiritist Group of Washington (since 2016). She is the co-author of the book “The New Generation” with Divaldo Franco and the editor-in-chief of The Spiritist Magazine. Vanessa Anseloni is a Spiritist medium and international speaker with talks and workshops around the world. Dr. Anseloni has been coordinating a team of translators of dozens of Spiritist books. Dr. Anseloni and her husband, Carlos, founded Kardec Radio on July 4. 2011.
SSC will be receiving Peter Hays for a talk about the Chapter XIX of The Gospel According to Spiritism: “Faith can move mountains”. The talk will be in English and will be transmitted via our Zoom link and our Facebook page.
Peter Hays has been an active member of the Spiritist Group Love and Light in Newark, NJ for over 20 years. He participates in the Tri-State Spiritist Federation and since 2021 has been appointed Director of Outreach in the United States Spiritist Federation. He has been a speaker in several US Spiritist Symposiums, and contributed to the USSF courses Initiation into Spiritism and Introduction to Mediumship. Peter loves to play guitar and regularly performs at a New Jersey nursing home. He has a background in theatre as a playwright, literary manager, electrician, and carpenter. He published several children’s books with his wife, Brazilian author Beti Rozencwajg, through their company Sem Fronteiras Press, with publishers in Brazil, Colombia and the United States.
The talk will be in Portuguese.
SSC will be receiving Eulália Bueno for a talk about Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Eulália Bueno has been a spiritist worker since 1971. In 1994 she founded the spiritist center LAR ESPÍRITA CAMINHO DO CRISTO, in Santos/ Brazil, being president of the board for 22 years. She is currently responsible for the Doctrine & Mediunship area. Eulália is also a spiritist speaker and writer, with 9 published books.
Hello! The SSC is hosting another volunteer opportunity - hope you can join us! All SSC family members (5yo+) and friends are welcome!
Feeding kids. Feeding spirits. Empowering communities.
Please join members of Spiritist Society of Chicago to volunteer at Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville, IL on Saturday, june 3rd from 2pm to 3:45pm. Adults and kids over 5 years of age hand-pack meals specifically designed to assist in reversing and preventing undernutrition. FMSC donates meals to mission and humanitarian organizations around the world.
Please register here by Wed, May 31st. Thank you!
Feed My Starving Children links: Volunteer Policies & FAQs.
Vinculada ao Centro Espírita Ildefonso Correia, em Curitiba,
Paraná, desde 1972, foi sua Presidente por cinco gestões. Foi membro do
Conselho Deliberativo até setembro de 2019. É membro do Departamento
Na Federação Espírita do Paraná iniciou em 1986, no Setor
de Infância do Departamento de Infância e Juventude – DIJ. Ocupou a 1ª e
2ª vice-presidência e a presidência.
Atualmente, é coordenadora da Área de Comunicação Social
Espírita, sendo responsável pela Biblioteca Virtual Espírita, Portal da FEP,
Jornal Mundo Espírita e programa radiofônico Momento Espírita. Além de ter publicado diversos livros de conteúdo da doutrina espírita.
Membro do Conselho Federativo Estadual - CFE, do
Departamento de Orientação ao Movimento Espírita – DOM e do Comitê
para Assuntos Doutrinários – CAD da FEP.
Rafael Lavarini vai falar do cap XVII Predições do Evangelho; Tema: Parábola dos vinhateiros homicidas
Palestrante desde os 16 anos já proferiu 5 mil conferências e escreveu 7 livros.
Psicólogo com especialização em Transtorno da Ansiedade e Síndrome do Pânico.
Acadêmico em Teologia.
O voluntariado o move. Desde os 14 anos está envolvido em trabalhos sociais. Em campanhas para arrecadação de alimentos, visitas sistemáticas a moradores em situação de rua, asilos, encarcerados, e muita dedicação a ONGs e Associações, das quais destaco:
Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados (APAC) que a há 9 anos sededico, já tendo ocupado cargos de diretoria e fundação de unidade. Esse método é ministrado sem armas ou presença de polícia penal e recupera quase 90% dos recuperandos.
Fraternidade sem Fronteiras e Refúgio 343, onde trabalha atualmente.
Como líder de Engajamento, desenvolve trabalho com o Voluntariado e Captação de Recursos da Organização que foi considerada em 2021 a melhor ONG em Direitos Humanos do Brasil.
Professor Severino Celestino da Silva é estudioso de línguas antigas e profundo analista do livro mais lido pela humanidade, a Bíblia. Espírita há mais de 20 anos, estudou toda a obra de Kardec e pesquisadores contemporâneos, relacionando o Espiritismo com a Bíblia, com respeito e conhecimento.
É Professor de Ensino Superior na Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Ex-seminarista,é pesquisador do hebraico e das religiões, principalmente o judaísmo, base de todas as religiões cristãs. Sempre estudou a essência e conteúdo divinos da Bíblia em sua língua original, o hebraico.
Escreveu o livro “Analisando as Traduções Bíblicas” e outro livro, mais recente, mas tão importante quanto o primeiro, analisa a sublime e consoladora mensagem de Jesus. É o livro “O Sermão do Monte”, naturalmente relativo ao famoso discurso proferido por Jesus aos ouvintes da Galiléia, da Judéia, de Jerusalém, de Decápolis e de além Jordão, trazendo os mesmos aspectos de tradução direta dos textos hebraico e grego, que o Dr Severino conhece tão bem. São livros que nos ligam ao pensamento de Jesus, e portanto, ao ideal do Bem, que sem dúvida nos concilia com o Cristo. Os direitos autorais dessas obras são revertidos para as obras assistenciais do Núcleo Espírita Bom Samaritano, em João Pessoa – Paraíba.
O professor Severino Celestino da Silva é ainda o apresentador do programa “Abrindo a Bíblia” pela Rede Boa Nova de Rádio. O professor Severino também apresenta o programa “Abrindo a Bíblia” na TV Mundo Maior. Anteriormente, o professor se graduou em Odontologia, com especialização em Periodontia, mestrado em Clínicas Odontológicas pela Universidade de São Paulo e doutorado em Odontologia Preventiva e Social pela Fundação de Ensino Superior de Pernambuco.
Jorge Elarrat é espírita desde 1980, atuante em atividades de Juventude, trabalhador das áreas de Estudo e Doutrinário e da Unificação do Movimento Espírita junto à Federação Espírita de Rondônia (FERO).
Nasceu em Alagoinhas, Bahia. De família espírita, sempre teve em mente o objetivo da caminhada, com passos firmes e braços abertos a auxiliar o próximo.
É expositor espírita desde 1983, divulgando o Espiritismo em diversos países. Membro do Conselho Superior e, desde 2015, Presidente da Federação Espírita Brasileira – FEB.
Participou do Movimento Espírita nos Estados Unidos nos anos de 1998 a 2000, em Washington e Baltimore. Coordenou e dirigiu o GRAAPA - Grupo de Apoio e Assistência aos Povos da África de 2009 a 2012, na FEB. Colaborou com a UCEES - União dos Centros de Estudos Espíritas da Suíça, no processo de Unificação do Movimento Espírita daquele país, que culminou com a assinatura do Pacto de Unificação pelas Instituições Espíritas da Suíça, em 2012.
Reforça seu currículo a larga experiência administrativa na Força Aérea Brasileira, onde percorreu todos os postos em quarenta e oito anos de serviços prestados ao Brasil.
You can attend it via Zoom ou via our Facebook Page
Dan Assisi is a founding member of The Spiritist Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing Spiritism in the English-speaking world, the Executive Director of the California Spiritist Association, and the host of the Spiritist Conversation podcast. Dan speaks about Spiritism and spirituality in the US and abroad and has given talks in over 60 cities in 4 continents and launched his first book, “Our Road to Damascus”. Daniel holds a Doctorate degree in Education and a Master’s in Public Administration with a Graduate Certificate in Public Policy from the University of Southern California.
Chicago Volunteers,
Join Street Samaritans on Sunday, April 18th for Spring Cleaning & Giving event as we clean out closets and donate them to the less fortunate!
As always, they will gather to collect donations, assemble care packages, discuss homelessness, and distribute living essentials to our homeless brothers and sisters.
Items they're looking to collect:
[+] New or lightly used MEN's clothing: shoes, coats, jeans, jackets, socks, sweaters, underwear
[+] Toiletries, hygiene and health products: skin care, dental care, hair care, emergency care, supplements
[+] Gift cards: restaurants, convenience and grocery stores, transportation
[+] Non-perishable foods: jerky, sauce packs, granola, chips, bars, snacks
All interested in volunteering, please RSVP.
They look forward to having you join us. Your generosity, time and compassion are appreciated by us and those that need it the most.
Murillo Soranso is originally from Belém, in the Amazon northern region of Brazil, where he learned about Spiritism at the age of 15. He moved to the US in 1997 and has been involved with the Spiritist Society of Baltimore, Conscious Living Spiritist Group in Miami and the Spiritist Society of Chicago. His proudest achievement in the Spiritist movement is co-founding the Spiritist Group of Central Illinois in May of 2017. The group is located in Champaign-Urbana, 130 miles south of Chicago. They hold weekly meetings in Portuguese and monthly meetings in English. Murillo lives in Champaign with his family.