Our Activities
Study groups & talks
We offer weekly study groups, in English and Portuguese, on the various books of the Spiritist codification by Allan Kardec and other spiritist authors, such as Andre Luiz, Emmanuel and Joanna de Angelis.
Our studies are centered on the teachings of Jesus under the light of the spiritist perspective. Together we learn that life is a journey of enlightenment and the present moment is the outcome of past choices as much as the future will be the result of today's choices.
Kids & youth spiritist education
We aim to spiritually educate children and youth in order to prepare them to face all circumstances and adversities of life.
Classes are held online in English, for
kids between 6 - 11 yo
Sunday from 10:15 am to 11:00 am, every other Sunday
youth: 12 and above
Sunday from 10:15 am to 11:00 pm, every other Sunday
Fraternal Assistance
This activity is offered by appointment only. It comprises a conversation with Fraternal Assistance Volunteers who will share the consoling resources of Spiritism to foster and promote comfort and strength in dealing with life's challenges.
For appointments, please contact us at fraternal.assistance@spiritistsocietyofchicago.org